The Rationale for Establishing the Competition

Looking back at the twentieth century, we experienced many conflicts such as the Second World War, the Cold War and many others caused by differences of ethics, religions and ideologies, resulting in loss of lives, dignity and cultural heritage.

Sadly this happened because wealth was used as a weapon and diversity became a problem instead of causing human society to flourish.

The economy should support us to live comfortably, and culture and art should make our lives meaningful. Our organisation believes international cooperation based on learning and creating culture and art will enrich our wisdom.

Osaka has been the centre of culturally important performance arts such as Kabuki and Bunraku for the past 1500 years. It has also been trading with other countries for centuries.

The water from Osaka’s rivers flows out into the Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean and Atlantic Ocean, nourishing six continents and reaching all corners of the planet of water, “Earth”. We strongly hope that, in the twenty-first century, music and culture from Osaka will flow out in the same way and benefit our lives and relationships and help us work closely together towards peace and a world without wars.

The competition was established to achieve this goal and intends to encourage many young talented musicians with their hopes and ambitions.